At Bois de la Reine, your tourist accommodation provides a range of services with each booking as well as additional optional services for a fee. You can, therefore, tailor your stay according to your wishes.
Free shuttle to Super Besse resort
A bus passes every 20 minutes to take you to the resort centre (access to the ski school, cable car, snow front, tourist office and shops).
Shop that sells and hires out ski equipment
Get equipped with equipment for children and adults suited to your stay: skis, snowboards, snowshoes...
Vival grocery store: your shop located in the accommodation complex
Fresh products, such as bread and pastries, fruit and vegetables, meat, cheese and Auvergne wines, but practical items, too, like chains or batteries, de-icing products... Simplify your holiday with the Vival shop.
Heated outdoor swimming pool
This large swimming pool is reserved for residents only and is open from Sunday to Friday from 10 am to 7 pm and on Saturday from 12 pm to 7 pm.
Picnic area for convivial moments
A picnic area with a barbecue and two petanque courts are available to make the most of your outdoor holiday.
Reading room and indoor games
Lounge area with benches, a sofa, tables and chairs and a library. Access to WiFi in the relaxation area which is open every day from 8 am to 7.30 pm.
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